

The mission of the Butte College Welcome Center is to provide accurate and current information about Butte College’s services, 项目, 程序, 截止日期和指示.  We provide prospective students with information and experiences to discover all the opportunities that await them at Butte College.  We create and support 项目 that serve as a bridge between local area schools and Butte College. 这是在一个支持学生的环境中完成的.


欢迎中心为学生提供包括校园参观在内的各种服务, 学生服务资料, 上课地点, 教练的位置, 校园地图, 校园活动, 如何注册的说明, 并帮助重新设置我的BC门户密码. e世博官方网站和外联办公室利用各种方法来接触未来的学生.  这些活动包括学生引导的校园游览等活动, 电子邮件, 大学博览会, 特别项目和社区活动的参与.  学校的关系 encompasses a variety of 项目 and activities targeted to create and develop relationships with local K-12 schools as well as universities.    

Concurrent Enrollment – Provides an opportunity for K-12 students to take advanced classes at Butte College.

College Connection – Program for selected high school seniors to complete their senior year at Butte College while taking college-level classes.  每年大约有150名学生参加这个项目.




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Attend out of state recruitment fairs and high school visitations to recruit more students to the campus.  这一努力有助于使我们的学生群体多样化.


我们目前正在评估我们的SLO,以确保该计划的持续改进.  Pre/Post Tests have been created and student surveys are being conducted to help determine the content of the Tests. 




The Welcome Center supports the college in meeting its student achievement standards by providing prospective and current students with exposure to our campus, 支援服务教育, 在入学过程中提供帮助. We staff the Information Cube during peak registration times to help continuing students with course registration, staff the Scheduling Center to support students registering for classes at the start of the term, 与当地社区机构联系,回答有关入学的问题, 在校园里接待未来的学生,并协调来自财政援助的报告, 咨询, 及其他学生服务部门. 这种接触, 教育和援助支持完成率的提高, 完成学位/证书, 和转让.





连接(1.a.2.) – The College Connection Program and Concurrent Enrollment allow local high school student early exposure to college courses and preparation for 成功. 

条目(1.b.2.) -暑期桥参加者完成综合学生教育计划(CSEP).


(6.3.) 夏天的桥梁和夏天连接专注于为第一代大学生服务.


校园信息 建议和行动/更新

  1. 将迎宾中心提供的所有服务融为一体, integrated program review to eliminate duplication and focus on the interrelationship between services. 我们已经将我们的项目和服务整合到一个领域. 像这样, we have consolidated several separate 项目评审s into one and we have combined six Unit Plans to three.

招聘及外展 建议和行动/更新

  1. LEAP/ 夏天连接:将这些项目合并为一个针对低收入者的项目, first generation students; focus on college-going culture (college preparation A-Z, 学习技巧, 生活技能).  这两个项目已经合并了.
  2. 夏天的桥梁: Focus on preparing incoming students to succeed; accept only students who need remediation; add a math and/or English component; create a 60-unit educational plan with a transfer advisor during the program; include a “Family Day” at end of program highlighting resources and what was learned.  这项建议已经完成.
  3. 探索奇科州立大学的EOPS夏季桥项目作为一个可能的模式. 这仍在探索中,我们希望在下一学年完成.
  4. 加强网络信息包建设.g.,包括部门和联系人的链接.  这仍在探索中,我们希望在下一学年完成.

学校的关系 建议和行动/更新

  1. 探索在大学联系中多样化人口代表的策略.  这仍在讨论中,我们希望在下一学年完成.
  2. 增加对新宪章和现有宪章的宣传, 替代, and private schools that do not currently participate in the College Connection and/or Concurrent Enrollment 项目. 这仍在讨论中,我们希望在下一学年完成.
  3. Explore strategies to facilitate communication flow between College Connection faculty and the Associate Dean. 这仍在讨论中,我们希望在下一学年完成.
  4. Consider adding more career development information and facilitators to College Connection to discuss labor market and employment trends. 这仍在讨论中,我们希望在下一学年完成.
  5. 继续为高中辅导员澄清新的转学学位要求. 这仍在讨论中,我们希望在下一学年完成.
  6. 开发和管理正在考虑的整体K-12满意度调查. 这仍在讨论中,我们希望在下一学年完成.
  7. 继续为学生助理站提升电脑技术. 这仍在讨论中,我们希望在下一学年完成.
  8. 如果欢迎中心的项目和服务继续增长,研究空间替代方案. 这仍在讨论中,我们希望在下一学年完成.


  1. 提高部门士气.
  2. 建立额外的社区关系,以产生FTES.
  3. 继续发展和完善我们的SLO.
  4. 探索技术以改进现有流程.
  5. 继续改进我们的暑期项目


策略1 -州外招聘


  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化
  • 加强包容性文化


继续对州外学生实施果断的e世博官方网站计划.  该计划包括前往目标州, 给高中邮寄宣传册和信件,  积极联系高中咨询和就业中心, 与目前的州外学生合作,瞄准他们的高中, remote video/phone counseling appointments and personally following up with any prospective student that request information. 随着国家资金的减少, 许多加州大学现在都在寻找州外学生来帮助增加收入.



Explore ways that we can market campus tours to prospective students and improve the overall experience during the tour.

  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 加强包容性文化


Studies have shown that one of the most effective ways to recruit prospective students is having them participate in a meaningful and engaging campus tour.  


策略3 -改善夏季桥梁和夏季连接项目


  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 加强包容性文化


夏天的桥梁和夏天连接是为弱势学生设计的. 桥牌是为刚从高中毕业的学生设计的.  The program's goal is to transition students into college providing them with the greatest chance of 成功.  这是学生公平的目标群体.  计划是在项目中增加财政年度课程.  夏天连接 is designed for grades 7-10 and provides the students with exposure to a college campus and resources available to support them.




  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化
  • 加强包容性文化


With local high school populations decreasing we need to explore additional markets to reach the Districts FTES goals.



  1. 为额外员工提供办公空间.
  2. 额外工作人员的办公家具.
  3. 20-30人的会议空间.
  4. 用于信息立方体的文件柜




最初的优先级 程序,单位,区域 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 一次增广 持续的增加
描述 支持的理由 潜在的替代资金来源 优先级标准
1 招聘及外展 人员 11.000.700.1.639001 52390 $0.00 $207,000.00
招聘和外联技术人员 Continue the funding of 3 full-time 招聘及外展 Technicians that are funded 50% from SSSP and 50% from SE. Recruiters will focus on improving and supporting students during the matriculation process and serving students identifies in the SE Plan.
  • 学生权益
  • 学生支持服务计划(SSSP)
  • 维护核心程序和服务
  • Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
  • 与K-12有效合作,设定适当的学生期望, 调整课程, 让学生为大学成功做好准备
  • 适当安排学生, 为他们提供有效的建议, 并确保他们有教育计划
  • 提高访问, 成功, and completion of targeted student populations through the implementation of the 学生权益 Plan
2 招聘及外展 营业费用 11.000.700.1.639001 55200 $0.00 $20,000.00
旅行基金 负责招聘和外联技术人员的差旅费.
  • 学生权益
  • 学生支持服务计划(SSSP)
  • 维护核心程序和服务
  • Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
  • 与K-12有效合作,设定适当的学生期望, 调整课程, 让学生为大学成功做好准备
  • 提高访问, 成功, and completion of targeted student populations through the implementation of the 学生权益 Plan
3 招聘 & 外展 营业费用 11.000.700.1.639001 55890 $15,000.00 $0.00
州外招聘策略 旅行到州外的地方, 大学招聘会报名, 印刷/邮寄及联络高中/学生. 我们现在有更多的工作人员来支持这项工作.
  • Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
4 招聘及外展 人员 11.000.700.1.639001 52368 $15,000.00 $0.00
为call back项目雇佣3名学生 By hiring students specifically for this project and identifying the various groups to call throughout the year we will recruit more students and provide additional support to our current students.
  • 学生权益
  • 学生支持服务计划(SSSP)
  • Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
  • 与K-12有效合作,设定适当的学生期望, 调整课程, 让学生为大学成功做好准备
  • 提高访问, 成功, and completion of targeted student populations through the implementation of the 学生权益 Plan
5 招聘及外展 营业费用 11.000.700.1.639001. 55890 $0.00 $5,000.00
专业校园游 Over the years we have received a significant increase in the requests to coordinate large group campus tours. We have also collaborated with other on campus departments such as CTE to help host large groups of students. 有能力提供午餐, 零食, 点心, 供应, 这些团体的人员配备对活动的成功至关重要.
  • 学生支持服务计划(SSSP)
  • Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
  • 支持以前的程序审查建议
  • 与K-12有效合作,设定适当的学生期望, 调整课程, 让学生为大学成功做好准备
  • 提高访问, 成功, and completion of targeted student populations through the implementation of the 学生权益 Plan
6 招聘 & 外展 营业费用 11.000.700.1.639001 55890 $15,000.00 $0.00
夏天的桥梁 “夏日桥”是为高中毕业的弱势学生设计的. The program's goal is to transition students into college providing them with the greatest chance of 成功. 这是学生公平的目标群体. 计划是将lm40加入到这个项目中. 在这个时候,该计划只有最少的持续地区资金.
  • 学生权益
  • 学生支持服务计划(SSSP)
  • 提高访问, 成功, and completion of targeted student populations through the implementation of the 学生权益 Plan
  • 适当安排学生, 为他们提供有效的建议, 并确保他们有教育计划
  • Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
7 学校的关系 营业费用 11.000.705.1.499900 55890 $15,000.00 $0.00
夏天连接 Provide funding for a program designed for underrepresented students that are part of the 学生权益 targeted group. Program is for 7th though 10th graders and its goal is to build a pipeline to college for these students. 由于项目需求修订, Migrant Education is unable to participate financially in 夏天连接 (夏天连接 does not meet all revised requirements dictated to Migrant Ed). 传统上, 移民教育提供了大约10美元,与其他为该计划提供额外资金的合作伙伴合作.
  • 学生权益
  • 学生支持服务计划(SSSP)
  • Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
  • 支持以前的程序审查建议
  • 与K-12有效合作,设定适当的学生期望, 调整课程, 让学生为大学成功做好准备
  • 提高访问, 成功, and completion of targeted student populations through the implementation of the 学生权益 Plan
8 招聘及外展 营业费用 11.000.700.1.639001 54500 $0.00 $6,000.00
促销产品 在招聘活动和演讲中使用的E世博ESBALL宣传物品. 包括E世博ESBALL的t恤、笔、闪存盘、书包等吗.
  • 学生支持服务计划(SSSP)
  • 提高访问, 成功, and completion of targeted student populations through the implementation of the 学生权益 Plan
  • Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
9 学校的关系 营业费用 11.000.708.1.649002 54500 $3,000.00 $0.00
书院联会宣传资料 提供polo衫,帮助“大学连接”项目的学生认同项目和Butte. 也帮助支付印刷宣传手册的费用,用于营销该计划.
  • Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
  • 支持以前的程序审查建议
  • 与K-12有效合作,设定适当的学生期望, 调整课程, 让学生为大学成功做好准备
  • 提高访问, 成功, and completion of targeted student populations through the implementation of the 学生权益 Plan