

The 学术参议院 Constitution identifies the Senate’s purpose and mission: to promote the development and maintenance of high standards of teaching and education; to share in the determination of the goals of the college and in the fulfillment of these goals; to promote the welfare of the entire faculty and to represent the entire faculty in its academic and professional relations with the district; to facilitate communication among the entire faculty, 人员分类, 学生的身体, 大学管理, and the governing board of the district; to make recommendations to the 大学管理 and governing board concerning the academic and professional matters enumerated in the Title V of the Educational Code; to concern itself with any legislation relative to the welfare of the college; and to do all that is necessary and proper to achieve a realization of the purposes of the Faculty Association it represents.


The 学术参议院 is the voice of the faculty when it comes to matters of academic and professional relations. Membership is comprised of 18 faculty representing all faculty, 全职律师和助理律师, 以及所有教学领域, 包括心理咨询和学生发展. The Senate’s membership also includes representation from the Associated Students and the Classified Senate. 举行会议, 每个月的第一个和第三个星期三, and special assemblies and forums are held throughout each semester. 参议院支持并鼓励校园参与全校范围内的重要活动,如学生成功, 学生权益, SSSP, 使命/价值观/道德准则, 正在进行的认证程序, 学生学习成果, CTE特遣部队, 全州拨款计划, 以及其他的努力.

加州法律和教育法都在不断变化. The California State 学术参议院 conducts two yearly plenary sessions, multiple opportunities for academic senate officers from the various California state 学术参议院s, 以及学院的年度课程活动, 领导, 以及其他举措. 

The 学术参议院 currently operates in accordance with the bylaws, and needless to say in many capacities with various roles and responsibilities in relation to all aspects of the college. Members of the Senate Exec regularly attend the statewide meetings mentioned above, 并且所有人都有责任将在这些会议上获得的信息以及从当地参议院的活动中获得的信息传播给整个学院, 机密的员工, 学生, 和管理. The 学术参议院 领导 Team also includes the 课程 Chair, 劳工组织协调员, 以及专业发展协调员,他们也承担重要和必要的领导,以支持教师和学院的战略方向. 


学术参议院负责监督校园内的所有课程和教育项目(法律明确规定), Ed代码, 及AB 1725 (Vasconcellos)). The vast majority of this oversight is handled by the 课程 Committee and 课程 Tech Review Team, 作为学术参议院的一个自治小组委员会,在主席的领导和繁重的指导下运作. 如上所述, 加州法律和教育法都在不断变化, especially in regards to curriculum standards and in addition, 教育项目的持续变化(扩张), 当t发展, 课程检讨程序, 以及目前极端引导路径的努力, 其他)是永远不会结束的. 课程主席与课程技术审查小组的勤奋工作以及出席全州参议院会议至关重要.




数额: 10000.00
用于预定目的: 是的

帮助学院制定指导路径的计划和指导委员会,并直接关注课程方面,如先决条件, e世博官方网站管理策略, 支持发音, and 成功 in recognition of massive 额外的 workload demnaded on the 课程 Chair. 虽然获得一次性资金是必要的, 必须再次要求重新分配时间,以继续主席在指导路径方面的努力.



Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (OSLED Departments)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)

学术参议院 is the voice of faulty in academic and professional matters, 与校园战略举措有关. Ongoing efforts and faculty voice in relation to 课程, 参与式治理, IEPI, 引导路径, 课程, 学生权益, SSSP, 学生成功/基本技能, 规划 & 预算, 登记管理, 教育总体规划, 大学委员会, as well as standing committees of the 学术参议院 such as LTPA, 相等, 远程学习, 学术科技, 学术委员会的工作人员证明了学院在满足学生成绩标准方面得到了广泛的支持.


Although the 学术参议院 contributed to and played a significant role in the development of the strategic iniatives, 但还有很多工作要做! 已经确定了优先事项, yet there are challenges in prioritizing where to focus current efforts. 学术参议院通过参与式治理代表,在学院的战略方向和优先事项上发出持续的声音. 学术参议院通过与以下代表举行峰会,支持校园内各种教师领导角色:课程主席, 学生学习成果协调员, 远程学习协调员, 引导路径协调员, 学生成功协调员, 专业发展协调员, 综合教育专责小组联络, 学术技术主席, 椅子中的椅子, OER协调员, 咨询硕士/清晰度官, and the 学术参议院 Executive Committee by meeting to establish synergy in our efforts.


The 学术参议院 conducts an annual unit plan that serves as its 项目评审.





Seek ongoing 额外的 institutionalized reassigned time for the 课程 Committee Chair.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement


大量的 额外的 responsibilities and complexities for the 课程 Committee, 特别是主席, 全州范围内的倡议是现实吗, 持续的资金流, and local efforts to develop courses/programs and establish guided pathways. 深思熟虑的, 彻底的, and diligent considerations are required for this work which will influence our campus and culture for many years. 在过去的几年里, the workload has not let up and resulted in increased demands in terms of both time and energy for the chair. 至少有10%的额外重新分配时间(每年总共60%)应该被考虑,以反映对严格时间表和大量需求所需的工作的认可.


Supports Changes from 学生学习成果 Assessment: 是的

策略2 -增加ASCCC活动的资金

学术参议院的成员(行政人员-课程主席- CTE联络员-非学分联络员-立法联络员-指导途径协调员-其他)必须全年代表E世博ESBALL参加州一级的活动.

  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement


Over the last decade, the cost to attend various ASCCC events has significantly increased. 秋季和春季全体会议, A区会议(从贝克斯菲尔德到边境), 课程研究所, 课程区域会议, 领导学院, and others are the responsibility of faculty leaders to maintain currency in legislation, 分享/学习最佳实践, and enhance knowledge to be effective in keeping the campus informed.

Supports Changes from 学生学习成果 Assessment: No


获得教员认可的资金 will allow us to consider holding a celebratory event to recognize our Emeriti, 表彰卓越教学奖, 指定一个“每周教师”停车位(是的!), purchase appropriate recognition items, put up a marquee (solar, of course!) to share the dynamic 成功es and inform our inquiring faculty on 成功es/ innovations, 举办一个教师ID活动,鼓励参加活动,并在当地社区获得作为教育者的折扣, 最重要的是,为参加参议院主持的活动(棕色袋子/参与式管理)的副教员提供津贴或会议费! 

  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 加强包容性文化


Recognition of faculty will allow the 学术参议院 to promote quality, 领导, 以及现在和未来的机会. 专任教师和副教师, 学生发展学院, 辅导员继续直接与学生合作,支持他们实现在E世博ESBALL的教育目标. 对全体教职员工的高质量工作的认可早该得到认可,这对于维持学院核心员工的士气和积极的E世博ESBALL是必要的.

Supports Changes from 学生学习成果 Assessment: No


学术参议院 requires a 100% Administrative Assistant. 目前, 学术评议会与专业发展部门共享行政支持职位,专业发展部门有不同的需求/要求,以及高需求工作量问题和挑战的重叠和冲突的时间表. 

  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功


与其他行政职位(布朗法案)相比,行政助理支持职位具有独特的支持需求, 议会程序, 额外的 LTPA and 相等 Committee administrative support, 其他)没有认识到需要的时间来保持遵守不切实际的要求,坚持完成全年要完成的众多任务. This position faces ongoing dramatic changes (two new faculty leaders, 学生助理的变化, 人格动力学——至少可以这么说), 也没有固定的时间表或明确的方法来区分学术参议院和专业发展之间的共同责任.

Supports Changes from 学生学习成果 Assessment: No


Ability for faculty to move furniture/adjust seating arrangements  in classrooms without limitations.




We are thankful for the 学术参议院 Office space in the Center for Excellence!




最初的优先级 程序,单位,区域 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 一次增广 持续的增加
描述 支持的理由 潜在的替代资金来源 优先级标准
1 学术参议院 人员 110004001603000 51240 $0.00 $10,000.00
Seek ongoing 额外的 institutionalized reassigned time for the 课程 Committee Chair. 大量的 额外的 responsibilities and complexities for the 课程 Committee, 特别是主席, 全州范围内的倡议是现实吗, 持续的资金流, and local efforts to develop courses/programs and to establish guided pathways.
  • 直接支持达到院系的学生成绩标准/目标和/或支持学院达到学生成绩标准和/或目标
  • Implementing the Degree Audit and Educational 规划 modules
  • Practicing strategic enrollment management that integrates financial planning with student need and achievement
  • Implementing a 引导路径 Model that makes career and 转移 pathways clear, 易于导航, 量身定制,以满足劳动力市场的需求, 并促进转移后的成功
  • 调整教学时间表与指南路径
  • Collaborating effectively with K-12 to set appropriate student expectations, 调整课程, 让学生为大学成功做好准备
  • Placing 学生 appropriately by using multiple measures and the common assessment
  • Completing the implementation of Learning Outcomes (Course, 程序, 通识教育, 行政及学生事务)
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course 成功, 保留, 程度上的成就, 完成证书, 转移, 和资格审查
  • 使用数据, research and collaborative efforts among divisions and departments to develop appropriate course offerings, 地点和方式
  • Providing comparable support services for online 学生 and 学生 attending at off-campus centers
2 学术参议院 营业费用 110004001603000 55200 $0.00 $7,500.00
学术参议院的成员(执行-课程主席)需要参加全年的活动,代表E世博ESBALL在州一级. Over the last decade, the cost to attend various ASCCC events has significantly increased.
  • 直接支持达到院系的学生成绩标准/目标和/或支持学院达到学生成绩标准和/或目标
  • Practicing strategic enrollment management that integrates financial planning with student need and achievement
  • 提高访问, 成功, and completion of targeted student populations through the implementation of the 学生权益 Plan
  • 维护核心程序和服务
  • Implementing a 引导路径 Model that makes career and 转移 pathways clear, 易于导航, 量身定制,以满足劳动力市场的需求, 并促进转移后的成功
  • 调整教学时间表与指南路径
  • Collaborating effectively with K-12 to set appropriate student expectations, 调整课程, 让学生为大学成功做好准备
  • Completing the implementation of Learning Outcomes (Course, 程序, 通识教育, 行政及学生事务)
  • Providing comparable support services for online 学生 and 学生 attending at off-campus centers
  • 向75%的全职教师迈进
  • 招募、雇用和保留多元化的员工队伍
3 学术参议院 营业费用 110004001603000 $0.00 $10,000.00
获得教员认可的资金. Recognition of faculty will allow the 学术参议院 to promote quality, 领导, 以及现在和未来的机会.
  • 维护核心程序和服务
  • Implementing a 引导路径 Model that makes career and 转移 pathways clear, 易于导航, 量身定制,以满足劳动力市场的需求, 并促进转移后的成功
  • Collaborating effectively with K-12 to set appropriate student expectations, 调整课程, 让学生为大学成功做好准备
  • Completing the implementation of Learning Outcomes (Course, 程序, 通识教育, 行政及学生事务)
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course 成功, 保留, 程度上的成就, 完成证书, 转移, 和资格审查
  • 招募、雇用和保留多元化的员工队伍
  • Practicing strategic enrollment management that integrates financial planning with student need and achievement
  • 向75%的全职教师迈进
  • 调整教学时间表与指南路径
4 学术参议院 人员 110004001603000 52120 $0.00 $50,000.00
学术参议院 requires a 100% Administrative Assistant. 与其他行政职位(布朗法案)相比,行政助理支持职位具有独特的支持需求, 议会程序, 其他)没有认识到需要的时间来保持遵守不切实际的要求,坚持完成全年要完成的众多任务. This position faces ongoing dramatic changes (two new faculty leaders, 学生助理的变化, 人格动力学——至少可以这么说), 也没有固定的时间表或明确的方法来区分学术参议院和专业发展之间的共同责任.
  • 维护核心程序和服务
  • 解决健康、生命和安全问题
  • 招募、雇用和保留多元化的员工队伍