

E世博ESBALL区域测试中心(RTC)提供卓越的, 可访问的, and comprehensive testing programs for the College district and community members to guide and facilitate learning, workforce training and support the achievement of their professional and personal educational goals.  Test Center staff is committed to reaching out to College instructional areas, and community members to provide the highest quality testing services to organizations and individuals.  我们力求在愉快的气氛中进行考试, 技术先进的环境,经过专门培训的多元化员工,以提高满意度和成就为目标,达到学术和职业目标.  The Center adheres to the National College Testing Association's (NCTA) Professional Standards Guidelines.


E世博ESBALL区域测试中心(RTC)是一个位于主校区的21站计算机和纸/笔测试设施.  Services are available for students and community members and include: 1) Proctoring services (for other institutions and organizations); 2) Certification and credential testing; 3) College Level Examinations Program (CLEP); 4) State and professional licensure exams.


所有这些干预措施的目的是提高社区对RTC提供的服务的了解,并收集有关该领域个人需要的新兴服务的数据.  在这些干预措施的基础上,为2016-2017年制定了四个目标.  These goals are discussed in more detail in the Future Development Strategy:

  1. 为E世博ESBALL项目提供额外的认证测试服务
  2. 开发数字徽章
  3. 扩展测试组合以更好地服务社区成员.
  4. 扩大先前学习评估的使用
  5. 成立RTC咨询委员会





  1. : The RTC administers the GED test to support students starting at Butte College without a high school diploma.  Passing the GED allows students to meet Ability to Benefit and recieve federal financial aid.  另外, RTC管理大学水平考试计划(CLEP)大学学分测试,允许学生使用先前的学习而无需参加课程即可获得大学学分.
  2. 证书: RTC通过证书管理考试,让学生获得计算机科学(CompTia)和微软认证的知识证书.  These are industry recognized certifications that show industry mastery in specific fields.
  3. 牌照通过率RTC为参加这些课程的学生管理紧急医疗技术和护理人员课程的执照考试.  护理领域的额外执照考试, 计算机科学和其他项目领域也在考虑之中.


  1. 与K-12有效合作,设定适当的学生期望, 调整课程,让学生为大学成功做好准备.  This is done through developing prior learning assessments (CLEP, AP, IB) exams for college credit.
  2. 与业界合作, 外部机构和其他高等教育机构确保课程的相关性和满足当前需求.  这是通过与社区机构和CSU合作完成的, 奇科为学生提供认证和执照考试服务.
  3. Developing additional opportunities in response to community needs such as short term certificates.  这是通过提供监考服务和行业认可的认证和执照考试来支持就业.
  4. 提供有效的电子媒介通信(e).g.、网站、社交媒体、营销材料).  This is done by the development of an effective website to market testing services to the community.


The following 项目评审 recommendations were made in 2010 related to the 区域检测中心 (RTC):

  1. Fiscal support needs to be established to create an on-line appointment system.  This will save valuable staff time to work on other critically important tasks.  The RTC currently does not utilize an on-line appointment system, but is considering options (e.g.RegisterBlast).  该系统可用于多种测试选项.
  2. The Assessment Office team may want to market on-line certifications for additional revenue.  The RTC was essentially funded and developed in 2014 from this 项目评审 recommendation.  The RTC was designed as a revenue generating service which created $27,000 of revenue in 2014-2015.


  1. Support the certificate and licensure completion for Butte College students and community members.
  2. Develop Digital Badge Program to allow students to demonstrate skills and achievements to potential empoyers.
  3. 为学生提供利用先前学习评估来获得大学单位的能力,并减少完成学位的时间.
  4. Expand the scope of certification and licensure exam services to both Butte College students and community members.
  5. 成立谘询委员会,争取本地商界的支持, community members and Butte College staff/faculty to identify relevant services needed in the community.
  6. Continue to collaborate with community agencies to support GED test preparation and completion.


策略1 -扩大供应商组合

继续建立校园和社区联系,以确定潜在的认证/执照测试服务,以支持E世博ESBALL和社区成员.  该中心的目标是将供应商组合增加50%.

  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习


The RTC is a revenue generating operation; increasing the vendor portfolio and the number of testing services ultimately improves services to Butte College students and creates additional revenue. 微软认证和大学水平考试项目(CLEP)将产生具体的营销活动. 另外, 增加供应商组合将允许RTC为Butte学院的学生和社区成员提供额外的认证和执照考试.



Develop a Testing Center Advisory Committee to assist the program with opportunities to expand services.  This committee will include College faculty and staff as well as community members, and will meet 1-2 times terms per term to identify testing services and opportunities in the region.

  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习
  • 加强包容性文化


咨询委员会将协助该计划确定社区中未得到满足的测试需求.  要做到这一点, 委员会的代表应包括社区成员, 学院教职员工和科罗拉多州立大学代表, 奇科.  The overall goal of the committee is to improve both community outreach and services. 


战略3 -发展GED过渡计划

The RTC is administering a high volume of GED tests for individuals in our community.  The goal is to market Butte College and provide transition information to all candidates taking GED tests. 

  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习
  • 加强包容性文化


The RTC is administering the GED test to community members seeking to complete their high school equivalency.  There is a desire to provide information to these candidates about Butte College programs, services and enrollment processes to help them transition into Butte College after completing their GED.



Digital badges are a new way to capture and communicate what an individual knows and can demonstrate.  徽章可以代表不同的工作水平和参与度, 包括更多的颗粒, 特殊技能或成就.  They hold particular promise for certifying skills of adult learners in basic education programs, 他们中的许多人几乎没有, 如果有任何, 正式证书(如文凭), 但是,如果有一种机制可以证明这些技能和知识,那么他们获得的功能性技能将在工作场所受到重视.

  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习


Digital badges are no threat to a college's or university's degrees; they are "add-ons".  Digital badges maximize students' demonstrated skills and achievements especially to potential employers.  他们可以代表行业相关的技能, competencies and abilities and compliment degrees and course work completed.


策略5 -支持E世博ESBALL项目

E世博ESBALL提供多种职业和技术课程,为学生准备专业认证.  The RTC has the necessary authorizations to provide testing for most of these certifications.  RTC工作人员将与E世博ESBALL的课程联系,以确定参加这些课程的学生所需或推荐的认证和执照考试.

  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化


The RTC is a local facility for students to complete their certification exams.  在过去, Butte College students had to travel to Sacramento or Redding to complete their certification exams.


策略6 -扩大先前学习评估的使用

Prior Learning Assessments (PLAs) is the award of college credit from prior learning, 工作和生活经历.  解放军的发展是为了留住和毕业更多的学生.  gpa包括授予大学先修课程(AP)考试学分, 大学水平考试计划(CLEP), 军事人员DSST学分考试计划, 和挑战考试.  地区教育服务中心的目标是支持扩大地区有关公共服务的政策,并向特定的学生群体(如学生)推销这些服务.g.高中生).

  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习


先验学习评估加速学生的学业成功, 符合毕业要求, 为学生节省时间和成本的策略.  获得学士学位的解放军学生平均可以节省2美元.5和10.与非解放军学生相比,获得学士学位的时间为1个月(来源:CAEL -成人和体验式学习委员会)




  1. 巴特校园大道上的RTC标志
  2. 3号地段为RTC客户提供专用停车位


$36,700 -地区(60%)




最初的优先级 程序,单位,区域 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 一次增广 持续的增加
描述 支持的理由 潜在的替代资金来源 优先级标准
1 区域检测中心 营业费用 $4,000.00 $0.00
营业费用, 供应, 前期学习评估的营销材料, 数字徽章、认证和执照考试项目. RTC服务的增长和扩大需要向各种社区人口进行宣传和宣传. 针对GED的具体目标外展, 先前学习评估(CLEP), 需要开发数字徽章来推广这些服务. 具体的策略包括为有兴趣获得数字徽章和/或大学学分的高中生和E世博ESBALL的学生制作传单和广告.
  • 职业和技术教育-帕金斯
  • 直接支持达到院系的学生成绩标准/目标和/或支持学院达到学生成绩标准和/或目标
  • 与K-12有效合作,设定适当的学生期望, 调整课程, 让学生为大学成功做好准备
  • Implementing a Guided Pathways Model that makes career and 转移 pathways clear, 易于导航, 量身定制,以满足劳动力市场的需求, 并促进转移后的成功
  • 达到标准并努力实现课程成功的目标, 保留, 程度上的成就, 完成证书, 转移, 和资格审查
2 区域检测中心 人员 11-000-709-1-632001 55890 $0.00 $7,000.00
重新分类特殊项目办事员- 60%(范围18)至60%(范围24) 在过去几年中,考试服务和成绩单评估的数量和复杂性都有所增加. The reclassification of these positions will support the future enforcement of prerequisites at the college. 此外,重新分类将更准确地反映工作职责的范围和管理州和国家认证考试所需的技能. This position is currently a 100% position funded 60% by the District and 40% by SSSP. Based on this funding model, $4200 (60%) would come from the District and $2800 would come from SSSP.
  • 学生支持服务计划(SSSP)
  • 维护核心程序和服务
  • Implementing a Guided Pathways Model that makes career and 转移 pathways clear, 易于导航, 量身定制,以满足劳动力市场的需求, 并促进转移后的成功
  • 与K-12有效合作,设定适当的学生期望, 调整课程, 让学生为大学成功做好准备
  • Placing students appropriately by using multiple measures and the common assessment
  • 实施学位审核和教育规划模块
3 区域检测中心 营业费用 $10,000.00 $0.00
购买证书凭证,大学水平考试项目 代金券可以让学生有机会参加大学学分的先前学习评估(CLEP)和/或认证考试或数字徽章,以展示整个行业的能力. The voucher program will provide these services at limited cost to students; the RTC will use the voucher program to "build a culture of evidence" that such exams have value to students.
  • 职业和技术教育-帕金斯
  • 学生支持服务计划(SSSP)
  • 直接支持达到院系的学生成绩标准/目标和/或支持学院达到学生成绩标准和/或目标
  • 与K-12有效合作,设定适当的学生期望, 调整课程, 让学生为大学成功做好准备