

The mission of the 业务服务 department is to provide services that enable 教职员工 to manage resources effectively, 促进学生实现其教育目标的过程, 通过稳健的财政运作,确保本区的财政稳定.  商务服务团队致力于为校园提供持续的沟通和培训, 有效和高效的系统和程序, 以及创造收入和节约成本的策略.  The 业务服务 team strives to achieve high standards of service and to meet the needs of the District and community.


业务服务 is located on the third floor of the Student and Administrative Services building on the main campus.  这个部门由代表14个国家的14个人组成.0名相当于全职的雇员.  学生雇员也由系里雇用.  本部门设有以下职位:
•	商务服务总监.0 FTE
•	薪资主管1.0 FTE
•	工资技术员2.0 FTE
•	高级会计文员7.0 FTE
•	二级会计文员(一).0 FTE
•	会计2.0 FTE
业务服务 is responsible for administrative and business operations such as accounting (including auxiliary and foundation), 预算发展, 计划及监察, 收银员, 应收账款, 格兰特报告/监控, 采购及应付帐款, 财政援助支出, 和工资. The goal of the department is to provide a strong foundation of administrative and financial services to college students, 教师, 和工作人员.

业务服务 ensures that the student-learning mission of the District is achieved by providing services that support effective and efficient implementation of the institution’s core foundational processes.


The Administrative Unit Outcomes are based upon previous standards and measured by a campuswide survey completed in 2016. 2016年的结果如下, 随附关于自调查以来发生的后续变化的说明. 另一项调查计划于2018年进行. 





The 业务服务 department provides essential services that support the District in meetings its student achievement standards by 支持学院的财务职能,包括学生的工资, 教职员工, 出差支持, 应付账款, 应收账款, 处理学生的经济援助. 员工知识渊博, experienced and excels at being accessible to everyone in-person and through remote methods of communication. 他们非常积极地为学生服务, 教师, 并以最有效的方式雇佣员工, 包括对校园社区进行行政程序和流程的培训.


The 业务服务 department supports the college in meeting its 战略方向 and Priorities by focusing on how the services we provide affects the student's experience at Butte College. 通过为校园社区的商业和财务需求提供帮助, 以有效管理资源的方式支持教职员工, 使学生实现其教育目标的管理流程更加顺畅, and ensuring financial stability for the District through sound fiscal operations (Strategic 倡议 2.a.1, 2.b.2, 2.d.2和2.d.5).


A campus-wide survey was conducted through the office of the Vice President of Administration in 2015 and 2016. 另一项调查计划于2018年进行. 与商业服务相关的调查部分包括对学生和员工的问题. The survey included questions on the current processes that are performed and the satisfaction of the customer. 经过与先前调查的比较, 评价结果表明了后续行动的两个主要目标:

为学生 -与先前调查的结果一致, 仍然需要额外的资源或执行方法来适当地利用高等教育. Student complaints about ATMs out of cash or being non-operational were reviewed after the first survey was completed. 主校区增设了一台自动取款机,以满足学生的需要. 自从收到第一次调查结果以来,在这方面取得了改进. 仍然, 学生对每笔交易服务费的投诉, 卡延迟存取资金, 和高一的糟糕的客户服务联系, 还有需要改进的地方吗.

为员工 - Concerns have continued to be raised about various Business Services practices/程序 as it relates to the purchasing process. 许多个人都参与到采购过程中,因为它包括了申请单, 采购订单, 累赘的调整, 预算转移, 支出转移, 供应商设置, 发票签收, 支付发票, 以及邮寄支票. There were inefficiencies in the process that delayed a department's ability to move quickly through this process. 已作出改进,因为它涉及到加快A/P进程, such as 采购订单 being printed several times per week and budget/支出转移 being posted daily. Training staff on the administrative 程序 began in 2016/2017 and will continue in 2017/2018 to ensure that all employees have a chance to improve their knowledge on the proper methods for these practices.


业务服务 will help the institution achieve success by being responsive to financial research requests and provide fiscal leadership that reflects and supports the District's strategic initiatives. 业务服务部正努力改善以下目标:

业务服务 will continue to review the portions of the District's ERP system which are not currently being utilized, 特别是自助服务功能, 学生应收账款模块, 和预算模块, 确定未来实施的可行性. 这些决定将根据执行困难程度和所需资源加以权衡, 以确定对制度资源投资的回报水平.



Develop additional and more effective methods of communicating and educating the campus community on various budget issues, 例如受限制的拨款程序, 采购问题, 以及薪资项目. 举办各种研讨会,并通过现有的规划委员会沟通问题.

  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功


有效的沟通是接触校园社区的关键. 进行论坛, 研讨会, 与常设委员会合作是传递战略信息的重要组成部分.



策略2 -简化系统和流程

业务服务 will work on developing systems and processes to reduce or eliminate the need for paper and paper storage whenever possible. 它将寻求利用现有的地区资产, 工具, 以及有效实施这些可持续成果的过程.

  • 建模的可持续性
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习


该学院一直致力于开发一个强大的太阳能项目. 它现在尽可能地使用节水方法. 可持续管理的下一步是减少纸张的使用和浪费. 通过这样做, 与文件储存有关的储存设施和维修的需要将大大减少.




The significant increase in grants over the last few years has increased the amount of transactions that 业务服务 processes.  Technology grants and other CCCCO grants and restricted funding sources have significantly increased the revenue and expenses of the District.  业务服务团队目前有1个.由这些受限制来源资助的35个全职就业机会(范围从0至6个领域).1 .交通运输中的FTE降至0.职业发展道路中的职业教育.  Preserving staffing levels is essential for continuing to satisfy customer services expectations of internal and external customers. A reduction in grant funding could lead to a negative reduction in 业务服务 staffing which could threaten the current level of customer service provided to the District.


最初的优先级 程序,单位,区域 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 一次增广 持续的增加
描述 支持的理由 潜在的替代资金来源 优先级标准
1 业务服务、文档支持和保留 设备 11-000-280-1-672000-56411 56411 $5,500.00 $0.00
桌面扫描的硬件和软件访问,允许移动到一个减少纸张的工作环境. The increased size of the College over the last several years has put a strain on the amount of documentation passing through 业务服务. 需要解决的问题, 文件, and then retain this paper load is reaching a saturation level in the Business Office as well as the record retention facilities. 过渡到纸张减少, 最终实现无纸化, 工作环境应提高效率,同时支持学院的可持续发展目标. The reduced work papers will also decrease the need for additional record retention facilities and reduce the amount needed for upkeep of the facilities.
  • 定期维修(设施)
  • 落实2018-2019年战略方向重点
  • 解决健康/生命/安全问题
  • 维护计算机实验室的生命周期更换, 智能教室, 以及教职工电脑
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)