

的 office of 学生生活 is dedicated to providing student involvement and leadership opportunities that enhance the college experience and prepare students to contribute a diverse, 充满活力的全球社会.


我们的 office supports 3 core 项目 including:
�	相关学生 (Student Government), includes Student Ambassador Program (committee reps)
�	国际俱乐部理事会/俱乐部

我们的 office also supports several core services, including:
�	学生活动卡制作
�	学生手册分发
�	海报的批准
�	Campus Events and General Campus Event Support
�	学生领导能力发展 
*      BC Connect Student Communication Platform


Accountability for Previously Funded Items



数额: 10000.00
用于预定目的: 是的

扶轮社顾问提供 & directed support to students outside of the classroom.  Clubs offer community and connection for students in career/major related 俱乐部, 基于身份的俱乐部, 以及基于兴趣的俱乐部.  Clubs support students on their pathways to complete their academic goals as well as continued personal development.

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (Instruction Departments)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)

To help accomplish the Vision for Success goals:





学生生活 is participating in the development of the 引导路径 initiative by identifying how Student Services (including 俱乐部, 学生中心, 领导力发展, 等.) support students along their path to accomplish their academic goals.

相关学生 representatives are participating in the development of the 海星余地 platform to support students through a wrap around care model. 

培育包容文化 is also a priority of the 相关学生 and 学生生活 项目 and 活动.  Equity, diversity and inclusiveness is a factor in all of our planning proceses. 



We had three recommendations via 项目评审 in 2013.

推荐# 1:  Add permanent staff to the Culture and Community Center and the Sustainability Resource Center.  文化 & Community Center (CCC) has been 转移red to the Office of Student Equity.  的 Sustainability Resource Center has been closed.  We still stongly believe that the valuable students centers including the CCC, Queer Resource Center and the UndocuStudent Center should have permanent full-time staffing to best serve and support students.

推荐# 2:  Continue to explore ways to increase student awareness of the role the AS plays on campus and the opportunities available for student participation/representation. We have explored and implemented several strategies to increase student awareness of the role the AS plans on campus and the opportunities available for student participation and representation though our Student Ambassador Program, 包括:社交媒体, 在线选举, 校园电视的使用, professionalizing promotional materials. We also continually seek to improve and expand our training of student representatives so they are more prepared and effective in their roles.

推荐# 3:  Develop and administer surveys or other tools that measure student awareness of participation in AS sponsored 活动, as well as the utilization of AS-run center/facilities. We have developed and administered surveys and other evaluation tools to measure student awareness of and participation in 学生生活 sponsored 活动 and related centers, 包括每年春季调查, E世博ESBALL反馈表, 活动参与者反馈调查, club member and Club Advisor surveys, Student Learning Outcome assessments.  2019年春天, we started to collaborate with the campus researchers to determine if students involved in 俱乐部 and the AS & 俱乐部 have higher retention and success rates.  Preliminary results say "yes" yet we would like to collect additional data to confirm with more confidence.



1. Demonstrate the signficance of student life offereings outside of the classroom to direct, 培养, 参与, 连接, 价值, and focus students along their path to achieve their academic and personal development goals at Butte College. 

2. Increase participation in our 项目 - 俱乐部, 相关学生, Student Ambassador Program and E世博ESBALL - that will support them along their path to achieve their academic and personal development goals at Butte College. 

3. Collaborate more with 学生中心, campus departments and constituency groups to align extra curricular opportunities with academic 项目 and student services.


Strategy 1 - Expand student leadership training to include a wide range of student assistants.

Expand our student leadership training to include student assistants from accross campus to better prepare all student leaders/employees to succeed in their positions to serve the college and gain professional skills.

This will include collaborating with various 学生中心 and departments.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning


Student leaders and student employees serve & representing over 8,000 students through customer service, projects & E世博ESBALL, 决策, and participating on decisions making committees that influence policies and procedures at the college.  的y should be well prepared and confident in their ability to fulfill their positions and responsibilities.  

Supports the College's 战略方向 and Priorities: No
Supports 项目评审 Recommendations: 是的
Supports ILO - Communicate Competently: No
Supports ILO - Engage Collaboratively: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Credentials: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Transfer: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Time to Degree: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Employment in field of Study: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Reducing Equity Gaps: No

策略二-扩大招聘 & outreach strategies to increase student involvement in the AS & ICC, Student Ambassador program, and cl

We plan to expand our recruitment and outreach strategies through our new BC Connect platform to increase student awareness and involvement from a wider student demographic base in the AS & ICC, Student Ambassador program, and 俱乐部. We will continue to collaborate with the outreach efforts of Orientation, College Connections and the student 参与ment centers (i.e. CCC, Inspiring Scholars, Veterans, and the QRC). 


  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success


Extracurricular 活动 are a tremendous resource on campus and a great experience to augment learning in the classroom.  Additionally, getting involved supports students along their pathway.

Supports the College's 战略方向 and Priorities: No
Supports 项目评审 Recommendations: 是的
Supports ILO - Communicate Competently: No
Supports ILO - Engage Collaboratively: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Credentials: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Transfer: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Time to Degree: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Employment in field of Study: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Reducing Equity Gaps: No

Strategy 3 - Integrate anti-racism strategies and learning into training, E世博ESBALL & 项目

We want to better integrate anti-racism, equity and inclusion strategies 在我们的培训中, 项目 and E世博ESBALL so student participants are better prepared to serve a wider demographic base on campus and in their lives.

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness


学生生活 项目 and E世博ESBALL as well as 俱乐部 are aimed at all students on campus.  Making sure we are integrating equity and inclusion strategies into our student leader trainings and program and event designs will support more students feeling included, welcome and safe participating in a club, 一个项目或学生生活活动.

Supports the College's 战略方向 and Priorities: No
Supports 项目评审 Recommendations: No
Supports ILO - Communicate Competently: No
Supports ILO - Engage Collaboratively: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Credentials: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Transfer: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Time to Degree: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Employment in field of Study: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Reducing Equity Gaps: No


2018年春天, the 学生生活 office gave up our regular meeting room in order to create the new Roadrunner Hub.  We now do not have a regular meeting room for the AS & 俱乐部会议.  Now that the Roadruner Hub has moved out of the space, we would like to request use of that room again for AS and 俱乐部会议. 





Every day-time main campus and Chico Center student is charged an $18 Student Activity fee.  This fee generates approximately a $300K budget per academic year.  Although, with the consistent decline in student enrollment, we have seen our income also decline.  We also may face an additional decline due to CTE 项目 removing the fee for their students in the academies and other CTE 项目 that have full-day schedules.

All students are charged a $2 representation fee.  $1 goes to the state to support SSCCC the other $1 supports representation of students at the local and state level.  这将产生大约18美元的收益,000每学年, these funds are highly redistricted in use, mostly used to train student government officers and travel for state representation.


最初的优先级 程序,单位,区域 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 一次增广 持续的增加
描述 支持的理由 Potential Alternative Funding Sources 优先级标准
1 学生生活 人员 $10,000.00 $0.00
俱乐部顾问教员津贴 俱乐部的顾问 are essential to the success of 俱乐部. Currently, we have 35 俱乐部 that support over 225 student club members. Studies show that students who participate in extra curricular 活动 with supportive mentors are more likely to stay in school and succeed. Supporting 俱乐部 at Butte College is an important student retention strategy.
  • 缩小股权差距
  • Meeting student achievement goals (Vision for Success Goals)
  • 培育包容文化
  • 实现成功目标的愿景
  • Strengthening Professional Development
  • 实施引导路径:a. Strategic Scheduling; b. 霍布森海星