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International Education Week Held at Butte College

International Education Week Held at Butte College

11月13日至16日,我们将在E世博ESBALL主校区举办E世博ESBALL周,与我们一起参加这个充满乐趣的庆祝活动, 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville. The week includes speakers, activities, workshops, food and more. E世博ESBALL周(IEW)是一个庆祝世界范围内E世博ESBALL和交流的好处的机会. This joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. 教育部是我们努力促进项目的一部分,这些项目使美国人为全球环境做好准备,并吸引未来的海外领导人来这里学习, learn, and exchange experiences.
Monday, November 13

International Education Week Welcome - 10 a.m. -位于主校区的卓越中心,3536 Butte campus Drive. Butte College Superintendent/President, Dr. Samia Yaqub将在卓越中心受到热烈欢迎,拉开E世博ESBALL周的序幕.

探索汉字的历史和中国文化的味道 - 10:15 a.m. - Center for Excellence-You’ll learn about Chinese characters’ Revolution; Chinese calligraphy and paper cutting; Chinese games to learn and play; and more about Chinese culture. 主持人将回答有关中国文化的问题并进行讨论. In addition, 主持人将为校园社区提供一个了解更多现代中国的机会, 世界上人口最多、经济发展最快的国家. 由E世博ESBALL的指导老师:孙大宽和杨嘉宇协助.

Language Introduction - Spanish - 12:30 p.m. - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F) at the main campus. 加入我们的西班牙语信息介绍. Participants will learn basic phrases and language structure. 由Butte学院讲师Maria Shahid, Roberto Mazariegos和Gema Haraughty协助.

International Student Panel - 1:30 p.m. - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). 向我们一些优秀的比特学院国际学生学习,他们将分享他们在比特学院的旅程, transition to life in Chico, and the education system in the United States. 小组讨论结束时将有一个简短的问答机会.

México’s Faltering Democratic Transition - 2 p.m.-卓越中心-在CSU主席的推动下,加入我们关于墨西哥摇摇欲坠的民主转型的讨论, Chico's History department, Steve Lewis, and Butte College History Instructor, Christine Trolinger.

Language Introduction - German - 2:30 p.m. - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). Enjoy a half hour introduction into the German language. Participants will learn basic phrases and language structure. Facilitated by Instructor Cameron Mortimer.

Tuesday, Nov. 14

Language Introduction - Hmong - 10 a.m. - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). Join us for this half hour introduction into the Hmong language. Participants will learn basic phrases and language structure. Facilitated by instructor Maisue Thao.

《通往舒适的8000英里:通往全球公民之路 - 10:30 a.m.- Center for Excellence. 快来了解Angela Zivo Gapa获得E世博ESBALL的个人旅程, 以及走出自己在地理和智力上的舒适区如何帮助她走上了国际职业生涯,成为了一名全球公民.

Raising Peace: Interactive Poster Session - 12:30 p.m - Campus Center Lounge at the main campus. Experience students from a Peace Psychology and Peace & 全球研究课展示了描述个人和平障碍的海报, 在地方和全球层面,同时寻求提高认识的解决办法.

2017 Senator Paul Simon Award Presidential Panel - 1 p.m -网络直播讨论,由西蒙获奖院校的领导讨论他们在校园国际化方面取得的成功. Follow this link to view the webcast:

International Student Panel - 1 p.m. - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). 向我们一些优秀的比特学院国际学生学习,他们将分享他们在比特学院的旅程, transition to life in Chico, and the education system in the United States. 小组讨论结束后将有一个简短的问答环节.

Language Introduction - Nepali - 2 p.m. - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). 加入我们这半小时的尼泊尔语介绍,由E世博ESBALL讲师, Sanjay Dev. Participants will learn basic phrases and language structure.

Wednesday, Nov. 15

Asian Student Association Info Table - Campus Center Lounge - 9 a.m. Stop by the ASA table to explore cultures such as Philippines, Japan, Bali, Hmong, and Mien though cultural items and informational displays. International desserts samples will be served as well! Facilitated by the Butte College Asian Student Association Club.

Introduction to Tai Chi - 9:30 a.m. - Center for Excellence (adjacent to library). 太极拳是作为一种专注于改善个人内部健康的中国武术而发展起来的. 太极可以集中你的思想,放松你的身体,让你的能量像河流一样流动. 把这种冥想形式的锻炼结合起来,帮助你找到内心的平静和身体的平静. Facilitated by David Gantt of Azad's Martial Arts

Language Introduction - American Sign Language - 10 a.m. - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). 享受由Skylar Darrow介绍的半小时美国手语(ASL).

The European Refugee Crisis and the EU Response - 11 a.m. -卓越中心-科罗拉多州立大学政治科学系教授奇科·詹妮弗·威尔金将讨论她和她的学生在参加捷克共和国教师主导的课程时所学到的知识, Summer 2017. Wilking will examine the definitions and perceptions of refugees, the range and effectiveness of EU responses to the crisis, 以及东欧国家对这些回应的反应, including the Czech Republic.

Language Introduction - Italian - 11:30 a.m. - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). 加入我们这半小时的意大利语介绍吧. Participants will learn basic phrases and language structure. Facilitated by Danielle Dipietro-Hawkins.

电子学习研讨会:E世博ESBALL领导者的成功策略 - Noon - Live online seminar. 在线研讨会为参与者提供具体的工具和策略,以展示E世博ESBALL在校园和社区中的重要作用. Follow this link to watch the online seminar: Learning_Seminars / Demonstrating_Value__Success_Strategies_for_International_Education_Leaders /

Language Introduction - Japanese - Noon - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). 不要错过这半小时的日语介绍. Participants will learn basic phrases and language structure. Facilitated by Tomoko Lance.

Language Introduction - Punjabi and Hindi - 12:30 p.m. - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). Enjoy a short introduction into Punjabi and Hindi. Participants will learn basic phrases and language structure. Facilitated by Ripandeep Aulakh.

Language Introduction - Spanish - 1:15 p.m.- Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). Join us for this half hour introduction into the Spanish language. Participants will learn basic phrases and language structure. Facilitated by Analia Martinez.

Thursday, Nov. 16

CSU Study Abroad Information Session - 10:30 a.m. - Center for Excellence (adjacent to library). 来看看你如何在完成专业课程的同时在全球35个国家学习, minor, and general education pathway and using your financial aid, school loans, and scholarships to finance your trip. Facilitated by Brittany Correll and Jason Clower.

Language Introduction - Arabic - Noon - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). Join us for this half hour introduction into the Arabic language. Participants will learn basic phrases and language structure. Facilitated by Mariam Chatila.

Raising Peace: Interactive Poster Session - 12:30 p.m. - Campus Center Lounge. Students from Peace Psychology/ Peace & 全球研究展示了描述个人和平障碍的海报, 在地方和全球层面,同时探讨提高对这些问题认识的解决办法.

Language Introduction - Mandarin Chinese - 1 p.m. - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). Experience a half hour introduction into Mandarin Chinese. Participants will learn basic phrases and language structure. Facilitated by Melana Cavenecia and Ling Chen

Supporting Haiti - 2 p.m. - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). Join Haitian international student, Michaud Jean Chrislot, for a short video and presentation on ways to support Haiti. Facilitated by Butte College student, Michaud Jean Chrislot.

On the Way to School: Film - 6 p.m. - Chico Center - 2321 Forest Avenue, Chico - AS Chico Center Lounge(146室). Experience the 2014 Cesar Winner for Best Documentary, “On the Way to School,,讲述了来自世界各地的四个渴望通过教育学习和改善生活的孩子的故事. The children live thousands of miles apart in Africa, South America, and India but share the same thirst for knowledge. They understand that attending school, every single day, is their only hope for a brighter future, for themselves and their families. A small discussion will follow. Refreshments will be provided. Facilitated by Rachel Wood and Mariam Chatila.

本次活动由E世博ESBALL全球教育和外展工作组组织. View and download the full schedule at


Butte College | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 |一般信息 (530) 895-2511

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